Monthly Archives: February 2015

Wordless Wednesday: GMOs

Encountering a lot of people who ‘believe’ the science on global climate change, but reject the science on GMOs. Not sure what the disconnect is. There is no ‘belief’ in science- either the data support the conclusion or it’s not true.10440909_1045963868757957_6873704695044085609_n

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Filed under Scientist, Wordless Wednesday


Cannot believe I haven’t updated this blog in so long. My life has kind of been taken over by a fight.

My home, my children, my community is being threatened by a huge energy company’s plans to expand a natural gas pipeline that runs near our home. They want to make it so large that an accident would destroy our house. Neighbors homes may be torn down to make way for the construction. They want to build a new section adjacent to the elementary school where Mabel will start kindergarten next year, so close to it, that a blast would kill any kids playing outside. They want to emit hundreds of tons of additional pollutants into the air we breath.

Our local officials oppose the project. After months of orchestrating call-in campaigns, our Federal officials are barely lifting a finger to help.

The system is so broken. Our safety, health, and well-being are being ignored so a huge energy company can export natural gas for a profit.

I feel anxious, angry, hopeless, relentless, scared all at the same time. On one hand I cannot give up knowing the risks. On the other hand, I just want to know my fate. We’ve been fighting for over a year. We’re tired. The physical, emotional, and financial toll is nearly unbearable.

This fight to stop the pipeline has cost me time with my kids (Mabel now plays “Pipeline Meeting” and Nemo screams “Pipeline!” from the back seat when he spots a yard sign), time with my husband (we take turns attending hearings, meetings, protests, etc), and so many hours of sleep (I now have chronic insomnia, I wake in the night feeling anxious, I’ve been having panic attacks). It’s horrible.

The only upside is that I’ve met so many wonderful people- neighbors, activists, local elected officials.

It’s ironic. This threat to my community has made me appreciate it more, feel more a part of it, and it may all be lost if this energy company has its way.

So, forgive my absence. I’m fighting for my life, my children, my home, my community. It’s scary and stressful. It leaves little time for anything else.

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