Tag Archives: Fibonacci spiral

Wordless Wednesday: More Fibonacci

IAcouple of weeks ago I posted some images and info about Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio (see here).

Here are some more images- see the pattern?

Source:  IFLS

Source: IFLS

As I said last time, What does it mean that this spiral is found everywhere, that the math is so elegant?  Not for me to say, but it’s pretty awe inspiring nonetheless.

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Filed under Scientist, Wordless Wednesday

(Not Quite) Wordless Wednesday: Fibonacci is everywhere

When I saw this on IFLS, I thought, “Wow.”

Source:  IFLS

Source: IFLS

Left is an embryo (probably human, but not necessarily since we mammals tend to look a lot alike during our embryonic development, see just how much alike here).

In the center is the Fibonacci spiral, which appears everywhere- music, nature, mathematics.  It’s quite fascinating where the pattern can be found.  To learn more about it, see here.

On the right is a galaxy?  Nebula?  I’m not sure exactly what- the image didn’t include a description.  If you know, please comment.

Humans are great at recognizing patterns.  Do you see the pattern above?  How all three have the same shape?  Like that of a nautilus?

What does it mean that this spiral is found everywhere, that the math is so elegant?  Not for me to say, but it’s pretty awe inspiring nonetheless.


Filed under Scientist, Wordless Wednesday