Tag Archives: Stephen Hawking

Every great scientist started out as a kid, and every kid could be the next great scientist

I’ve seen this a couple of times on IFLS and I really get a kick out of it every time.

Source:  IFLS

Source: IFLS*

Sometimes we need a reminder that every great scientist started out as a kid, and every kid could be the next great scientist.

Maybe this kid will grow up to be one?

little scientist mcphd

The perks of having a scientist for a mom, she can bring home a microscope from work and you can see what flower petals, ear wax, table salt, and Honey Nut Cheerios look like on a microscopic level.

*If you don’t know who these scientists are or would like to learn more about them, see here:  Stephen HawkingNeil deGrasse Tyson, Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman.

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Filed under #scimom, Mabel, Mother, Scientist